I have included a list of some of the books, websites, programs, and practitioners that have been instrumental to my spiritual journey—most are mentioned in my book, Soul Search and Rescue. Please feel free to check them out and allow them to support you with your own self-discovery, healing, and purpose. I am not sponsored or paid by anyone in my listing, and I don’t receive any kickbacks for referrals.  I do receive a small commission as an Amazon affiliate associate – meaning, if you order via Amazon through the links I provide, I get a small bit of change at no extra cost to you.


Every one of these people, books, and programs have personally shifted how I view the Universe and how I now see my own existence. Please refer back to Resources every now and then as I will continually add on anything I find supportive to thinking deeply and beyond. If you would like further information or have any questions—please contact me at

Programs and Websites:

Personal and Business Coaching: Groover Seminars

Datta and Rachael Jayne Groover are the co-CEOs that have created inspirational and transformational live events and trainings on personal growth and development. Their main missions are to shift the consciousness on the planet, to help others fulfill their life purpose, as well as guide them through their own spiritual journey. I have found their programs to be pivotal in my own personal development. Awaken Your Impact MasteryTM focuses on business and personal development for conscious entrepreneurs while Art of Feminine Presence® empowers women to develop their own magnetic presence so that they may be seen and heard.

Writing Retreats and Publishing Program: Tom Bird Method

Tom Bird uses a spiritually-led approach to writing a book.  His main cornerstone belief is that the books are already created and written on the Other Side and that authors are chosen to be the conduit for their release.  By connecting to your Divine Author Within (DAW), the contents of the book’s message can come through in a few days, not years.  Whether the resulting book is a healing process for the author or a message to the public, Tom’s unique method brings profound and transformational results.

Evolution of Human Consciousness: Kryon Channelings

Lee Carroll is the channeler for the angelic entity, Kryon, whose messages have been delivered since 1989. Through the years the themes have been focused on consciousness, human evolution and the big picture of our existence.  The website and channeling are a great resource if you’re interested in humanity’s spiritual development and journey.

Live Your Legend blog

This site was started by the late Scott Dinsmore who was tragically killed while climbing Kilimanjaro in 2015. His wife, Chelsea, continues to run it and she’s doing a spectacular job.  The main mission of Live Your Legend is to educate and inspire others to live a fulfilled life so that they can share their gifts to the world.  Through online programs and meet ups, support and community is provided to allow people to find meaning in their lives and to catapult their passions and desires into doing the work that they love.

HeartMath Institute

If you want to geek out on heart intelligence research, this site has all the studies for your heart’s content. (Haha – get it?) Their mission is to “help people bring their physical, mental and emotional systems into balanced alignment with their heart’s intuitive guidance”.  They “research and develop reliable, scientifically based tools that bridge the connection between heart and mind and deepen people’s connection with the hearts of others”. 

Spiritual Teachers/Energy Practitioners

Judy Goodman: Spiritual Teacher/Life Coach/Speaker/Author

She may have Southern charm and warmth, but Judy Goodman cuts through the bullshit with piercing questions and succinct explanations.  An incredible coach, teacher and highly gifted intuitive, Judy helps others to be their best in their own spiritual path. She is known as the “Teacher of teachers”.


Renee Bouma: Spiritual Teacher/Coach/Energy Intuitive

Maybe your type of support isn’t always a needed kick in the pants or slap in the face. Sometimes you want someone who metaphorically holds your hand and rubs your back.  But, don’t let Renee Bouma’s gentle demeanor fool you.  Her knowledge, insights and intuition are fabulously sharp, deep and powerful.  Most would describe her as warm, kind and caring, but if you look into her eyes, she’s also fierce and strong.

Nancy Jones: Transformation Game® Facilitator

The Transformation Game® is a powerful and interactive tool that provides clarity and support for the change you wish to make in your life.  As you move along the board, you are given insights to the experiences you create, how you react to them, and how you can change your responses to achieve your intentions and goals.  Nancy Jones is an intuitive master at guiding you through this process.  She assists you along with humor and childlike wonder, yet when Truth needs to be addressed, she holds space for you with wisdom, empathy and open-heartedness.

Nancy Evans: Spiritual Teacher/Energy Practitioner

Although I initially have gone to Nancy Evans for Brain Integration Therapy, she has developed her own medley of energy techniques.  She is another sweet, gentle Soul who asks introspective questions.  Sometimes those questions make you squirm, especially as she patiently waits for your answer with an unwavering gaze.  Most importantly, she teaches you to have Self-Dominion…meaning having control and accountability of your own life.

Jayne Sanders: Purpose and Law of Attraction Coach; Master Scientific Hand Analyst

Using scientific hand analysis and her own intuitive abilities, Jayne Sanders utilizes another fascinating tool to help others discover their life purpose, lessons and gifts. As a purpose coach she takes what is presented in the hand analysis and crafts actionable activities to move you towards a more fulfilled life. She will also address the issues and challenges you may want to focus on and resolve.  Her previous experience as an executive coach may have shaped her style to have a no-nonsense, results-oriented approach. There will be no dilly-dallying from working with her.


Altazar: Professional astrologer

A man of many talents, Altazar has had careers in computer engineering and singing (in Las Vegas even!) to name a few, but he’s now helping others find their place in this world through the art of astrology.  Anyone who personally knows an engineer knows that analyzing data is his/her superpower.  Using a combination of Chinese, natal and Vedic astrologies, Altazar provides a detailed, comprehensive interpretation of your birthday’s planetary positions and how they determine all the potentials in your life.


The Purpose of Your Life: Finding Your Place in the World Using Synchronicity, Intuition, and Uncommon Sense, Carol Adrienne.

Synchronicity and intuition are the lights on a runway that can direct you to the path you should take to live the purpose of your life.  How do you find these “natural forces”, and how do you align yourself to them? This book provides profiles of interesting people who have found their purposes, and has techniques and questionnaires to dig into your own self-discovery and fulfillment.

Healing Lost Souls: Releasing Unwanted Spirits from Your Energy Body, William J Baldwin

Baldwin is a pioneer in the therapies of spirit releasement, past life regression and soul-mind fragmentation. He explains the attributes of each of these therapies and uses his case studies as examples of their clinical use. His method of spirit releasement is quite gentle and respectful as he views these entities as confused, lost souls who require help just like his human patients. Since quite a few psychological and physical issues have been connected to spirit attachments, this book gives the reader another facet to holistic healing.

Write to Heal, Tom Bird.

When I first browsed this book I viewed it as homework that needed to be done. It was required reading before my writing retreat with Tom Bird. Instead, Write to Heal steered my cynical thinking about “journaling” into realizing how writing can be a crucial instrument to self-discovery and healing.  It’s a little book of 48 pages but the info you can glean from the exercises can be vast and transformational.

Practical Psychic Self Defense Handbook: A Survival Guide, Robert Bruce.

This book’s topic can give you the heebie-jeebies, but Bruce explains in an anecdotal non-spooky way how negative energies/entities interact in our world and our lives. He provides great info on how “negs” influence our thoughts, emotions, and body, and how they attach to us. His techniques and tools for depossesion, protection, and clearing are more assertive in style compared to Dr. Baldwin’s methodology.

Convoluted Universe, series by Dolores Cannon.

Cannon shares the hypnosis-induced memories of her clients that cover alternate universes, multiple lives, and other metaphysical topics. Her book series expands our minds and the boundaries of what we think we know and how much we don’t know. If you want a glimpse of what it’s like to be in this renowned hypnotherapist’s chair, then allow yourself to think about things that make you go, hmmm…

The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived, Lee Carroll and Jan Tober.

Lee Carroll, the channeler for Kryon, has co-written a book on Indigo children. The two authors have collected essays from counselors, doctors and childhood experts to explain the phenomenon of these “more evolved” species of children. Having kids who don’t fit the norm is always a tough situation for parents. This book may shed some light and provide some comfort to why being different may actually be a good thing. Chapter Two focuses on how to parent and raise Indigo children.

The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy, Cyndi Dale.

Everything you ever need to know about subtle energies and energetic bodies and pathways. This encyclopedia covers energy-based therapy principles such as acupuncture, Ayurvedic, Reiki, Qigong, and others. There are extensive illustrations and diagrams covering chakras, meridians, and energetic fields.  Dale takes our energetic biology and shows how it ties to our physical body.

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One, Dr. Joe Dispenza.

The principles of quantum physics, law of attraction, neuroscience, and brain chemistry are used to explain how we have created our reality and how to create a new one.  Although wordy and repetitious, and his techniques are rather lengthy, his book is an interesting take on why we may be stuck in habits and how we can move beyond them.  Some argue that he uses scientific words to support psycho-babble.  Some say he’s a huckster that is self-promoting his workshops. Maybe – but I agree that repetitious thoughts and habits causes us to live our lives based on our past experiences.  So, maybe rewiring your brain isn’t a bad thing.

Manifesting 1, 2, 3: and you don’t need #3, Ken Elliott.

Hands down one of the easiest book to understand the principles of the Law of Attraction.  Ken Elliot explains how thought with focused intention takes form in the non-physical world, and how your thoughts create your reality.  Using the Movie Mind technique, he provides a simple way to combine and heighten emotion and intention to the reality you wish to create.

The Dark Side of the Light Chasers: Reclaiming Your Power, Creativity, Brilliance, and Dreams, Debbie Ford.

I believe shadow work is an amazing way to break through your blindspots.  You are taking an introspective look at the traits you deem as inappropriate or unflattering whether they’re your own or within others.  Whatever qualities we deny in ourselves, we see them reflected back in others.  Debbie Ford shows us the process of how we can claim these shadows, see the gift that these “unwanted” parts bring to the table, and how to integrate them into our conscious self.

The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results, Gary Keller and Jay Papasan.

This easy-to-read business book emphasizes the power of focus and prioritization, and argues against the use of multitasking as a way of getting things done.  It’s a great book for productivity and clutter-clearing in both business and in life.

The Children of Now: Crystalline Children, Indigo Children, Star Kids, Angels on Earth, and the Phenomenon of Transitional Children, Dr. Meg Blackburn Losey.

Dr Blackburn Losey expands on the “gifted” children phenomenon by exploring beyond the Indigo children. Although we like to have concrete categories to put things neatly in, the waves of children coming in are all subsets of Indigo consciousness. This book has stories from families whose kids exhibit special abilities, their struggles and their navigation in our world.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck: A Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life, Mark Manson.

Mark Manson provides a contrarian and hilarious viewpoint on positive thinking for a happier life.  He makes the argument that striving to always feel good is a losing proposition.  We need to understand and embrace our limitations, fears and faults .  Once we develop that resiliency, freedom comes from knowing what not to care about and what really matters.

Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Michael Newton.

This book took me to the next level of having my mind-blown. Newton uses his method of hypnotherapy to take his clients to the memories of in-between lives. His book and the rest of his series, cover what happens when we die, how we decide to reincarnate, who are in our Soul group, why we incarnate, and other big picture topics.  We basically take a peek into the spirit world. Newton’s books were the catalyst to having me acquire my own regression certification and my exploration of past and in-between lives.

The Book of Awesome (The Book of Awesome Series), Neil Pasricha.

It’s the little things that can remind us that life has many awesome moments that can bring a smile to our faces or gratitude to our hearts. This book takes the mundane and transforms them into little miracles.  It allows us to view the world with childlike wonder again.

You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life, Jen Sincero.

Jen Sincero is a success coach with a hilarious, no-nonsense style that I love. I also dig a woman who swears like me. This New York Times bestseller provides short stories and exercises that help identify and change your self-sabotaging beliefs.  She helps you craft the life you want to live by getting you to understand what holds you back and what you desire.

Awaken the Giant Within, Tony Robbins.

A classic self-help book from the most recognizable life and business coach, Awaken the Giant Within is packed with big ideas and lessons on how to take control of your life.  He encourages people to believe in themselves, be accountable with their lives, manage their thoughts and emotions, and take consistent actions.  The motivational coaching tactics are in the book but it’s up to the reader to implement the strategies.  It’s all about consistency and incremental small wins to build up the momentum towards a transformed life.

Lifeprints: Deciphering Your Life Purpose from Your Fingerprints, Richard Unger.

Combining palmistry and dermatoglyphics (study of fingerprints and line and hand shape designations), Lifeprints is a fascinating method for self-discovery.  Your life purpose, gifts and life lessons are all in your hands.  Be prepared to step into your purpose – once you know, it’s hard to turn your back on it.  This book explains what happens when we don’t follow what we signed up for in this lifetime.