So, who am I?  I live in Northern Colorado with my husband, 2 kids, 2 lazy dogs and a killer caique. I am curious about all topics on metaphysics, energy healing, financial independence, investing, food, and travel.  (ok, maybe healthy obsessions).  I love animals, the outdoors and a good laugh.  Prior to our Colorado move, I was a research scientist and project manager for the beverage industry in the NY metro area.

A few drastic family changes directed me into the energy healing universe.  I am now certified in several modalities such as Reiki, Integrated Healing, Touch for Health, BARS, Past Life Regression, and Hypnotherapy, but I do my own hodge-podge hocus-pocus now.  Chain of events led to forcing me to address my purpose, my way of being and my responses to Life.  Synchronicity led to writing a book about my observations and reflections on Soul purpose.  I like sharing ideas and stories that may be useful or entertaining; double bonus if it’s both – so here I am!

I’ve grown up living with the belief that I had to live up to expectations whether they be familial, cultural, peer or societal.  Deep down I got the nagging feeling that there was more to life than getting an education, career, family and financial security.  What is this “winning” that you speak of?

Purpose. Philosophers, mystics, spiritual teachers, and the religious are known to ponder on the semantics of our existence.  I’m none of these people, but for most of my life I have asked the “What is my purpose?” question.  I think it’s an innate human desire to reflect on our connection to our Self, our community, humanity and to our Universe… and beyond.  Working with multidimensional energy allows me to get sneak peaks of a bigger picture and a deep appreciation of the Divine.  It’s pretty darn mind-blowing at times to pull back that veil and see God/Spirit at work.

This blog explores the meaning of being a Soul and a human without taking it too seriously.  No proclamations and intonements, I promise.  I’m writing mostly for myself – to remind myself why we exist and how to express myself fully.  I’m hoping my reflections, and sometimes rants, help you question and answer your “why.”

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